Hilfield Friary

Welcome to our Anglican Franciscan Friary in rural Dorset

Happy New Year!

Bread and Jam Event – Tuesday 25th to Friday 28th January – amended dates

Join us for an enjoyable stay looking at the relationship between Franciscanism and food, both from a theological aspect and a practical application.  Just 5 spaces left.

The Hilfield Community prides itself on using available foodstuffs in our day-to-day lives but our staple has to be bread and jam as any of our teatime guests will tell you!

Visit our Programme Page for more information.

Hilfield Vision Statement

In our daily living we aspire to be:

Rooted – we seek to live simply and gratefully, caring for the land that we have been entrusted with.

Christian – following Christ in the way of St Francis we care for the poor and marginalised

of our society and all of creation.

Family – an open and inclusive community that welcomes all people and creation.

Adopted by the Community on 4th September 2018


Hilfield and the wider Society of St Francis rely totally on donations for our income. The excess income generated at Hilfield supports SSF houses without their own income generation.  You can Gift Aid your donation too.  Simply fill in the online form or download the form, fill it in, scan and then email it to us or post it to us. 

We are delighted to offer standing order donors complimentary Franciscan Magazines. 

Please visit our Donate Page.

We are on Facebook

Visit Hilfield Friary’s Facebook page for lots of up-to-date news and photos.  Community Member Ellie Stephenson is doing a wonderful job!!!

Sponsor a Hilfield Sewing Machine

hilfieldssf@franciscans.org.ukWould you like to sponsor one of our sewing machines.  They are heavily used by our guest crafters and need MOTs every year.  It usually costs around £50 per machine even though Suzu has sorted out a good deal.  If you would like to sponsor please contact Suzi on 01300 341345 or email her at hilfieldssf@franciscans.org.uk

Would you like to subscribe to our mailing list?

Would you like to subscribe to our mailing list for quarterly Hilfield Update newsletters and events?
Phone Sara at Hilfield on 01300 342311 or email her at passf@franciscans.org.uk
All information is held on a secure database. We do not share any information.

Hilfield Garden Volunteer Days – now on Wednesdays

1st (Main Gardens) and 3rd (Secret Garden) Wednesday of the Month – starting on Wednesday 2nd November 2022.
If you are interested in joining in with the community to work in the gardens at Hilfield this is the opportunity for you. We are looking for volunteers to help with garden work on the 1st Wednesday of the month usually focusing on the kitchen garden and ornamental gardens and the 3rd Wednesday usually focusing on the Secret garden.
Open to new and returning volunteers we hope this will give you a small chance to experience some of what the gardens have to offer, whether it be planting, harvesting or helping with the compost! Please RSVP to the email below if you wish to attend with dietary requirements so we can provide lunch and get an idea for numbers to plan work.

Click on the images below to visit the Hospitality, Programme, and News and Events pages

Hilfield Friary is part of the Society of St Francis, a worldwide Anglican

Religious Order.  Visit their website:  https://www.franciscans.org.uk/

Hilfield Friary Cookie Policy

Hilfield Friary Group Booking Cancellation Policy

We have a Community day off every Monday.  In an emergency please

phone 01300 341345 and leave a message.