News and Events

Easter Day at Hilfield

Posted on 1 April 2024

Easter Day in the Chapel

Maundy Thursday into Good Friday at Hilfield

Posted on 29 March 2024

The volunteers created an altar for the blessed sacrament from last night’s Eucharist with foot washing. It represents Jesus in Gethsemane. A vigil is kept throughout the night.

Palm Sunday at Hilfield – Photos courtesy of Stuart Bexon

Posted on 27 March 2024

Our Christmas Eve Woodland Nativity

Posted on 24 December 2023

An amazing Woodland Nativity presented by the Hilfield Community

We welcome Br John SSF as our new Guardian

Posted on 26 August 2023

Br John was blessed by our European Minister Provincial Br Micael Christoffer at Hilfield this afternoon.  The Community and Brothers and Sisters of the First Order wish him well and thank Br Clark the outgoing Guardian.

Ordination of ex Community Member Sarah

Posted on 5 July 2023

Sarah Cotterell was ordained Deacon on Saturday 1 July 2023 at Christchurch Cathedral Oxford and will be a curate in Banbury.  We wish her well.

Some June wildlife at Hilfield photographed by Community Member Lindy

Posted on 23 June 2023

The amazing spider is carrying her babies on her back.  

This beautiful creature has just emerged from its previous home with wings!!

Why not come and visit!  You will see plenty of amazing wildlife and plants.  We have Friary trails to help you to explore the grounds.

Our beautiful tulips

Posted on 27 April 2023

Our tulips are glorious this year.  Did you know that multi coloured tulips have a virus that causes the colouring.  They have a cold!

Our Easter Fire

Posted on 13 April 2023

Community Members and Guests took part in this Easter’s Vigil.  We hope everyone had a good Easter!


Posted on 30 December 2022

Community Members Br Malcolm and Keith enjoy a tasty dessert.  Both have a look of great delight and concentration!

Paying his respects

Posted on 30 December 2022

Looking back to a time of mourning; Br Hugh in London queuing to pay his respects to Queen Elizabeth.

A stone carving journey

Posted on 8 September 2022

Community Member Lindy held a very special three days at the beginning of September. She took these lovely people on a stone carving journey. Lindy is looking forward to the next time so that they can explore spirituality through the eyes of ancient

Hilfield Friary is part of the Society of St Francis, a worldwide Anglican

Religious Order.  Visit their website:

Hilfield Friary Cookie Policy

Hilfield Friary Group Booking Cancellation Policy

We have a Community day off every Monday.  In an emergency please

phone 01300 341345 and leave a message.

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