01300 341345 hilfieldssf@franciscans.org.uk
The Friary, Hilfield, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7BE
Donate Registered Charity Number 236464
Hilfield and the wider Society of St Francis rely totally on donations for our income. The excess income generated at Hilfield supports SSF houses without their own income generation. You can Gift Aid your donation too. Simply fill in the online form or download the form, fill it in, scan and then email it to us or post it to us.
BACs / Internet banking transfer
An easy way to donate is by BACs / internet banking transfer. Our Hilfield account details are:
Account title: Society of St Francis – Hilfield A/C
Sort Code: 08 02 28
Account Number: 65426360
Please use ‘Donation’ as your reference. Ignore messages saying the account doesn’t exist, it definitely does!
This account only relates to one-off donations. If you would like to make a regular donation please fill in the Gift Aid/Standing Order form below; the account details are for the SSF Gift Aid account. All donations meant for Hilfield will always be transferred to the Hilfield bank account.
If you would like a receipt for your donation please phone Suzi on 01300 341345 or email hilfieldssf@franciscans.org.uk
If you are a UK tax payer you can gift aid your donation without any cost to yourself.
If your donation relates to visiting one of our houses then any Gift Aid claimed will be returned to that house.
You can fill in the online form directly below or download the Gift Aid form by clicking the button underneath the online form. Please return the form to Suzi at Hilfield.
The first part of the form relates to Gift Aid and 2nd part relates to Standing Orders for regular donations (Gift Aid or non Gift).
Please note that donors need to set up standing orders with their bank. We used to write to banks asking them to set up the standing orders but often nothing happened their end. Donors can either visit their bank in person or set up a standing order using online banking.
Other ways to donate
You can donate by card by phoning Suzi or email hilfieldssf@franciscans.org.uk
We have an alms box if you visit us.
We accept cheques made payable to ‘Society of St Francis’.
Hilfield Friary is part of the Society of St Francis, a worldwide Anglican
Religious Order. Visit their website: https://www.franciscans.org.uk/
Hilfield Friary Group Booking Cancellation Policy
We have a Community day off every Monday. In an emergency please
phone 01300 341345 and leave a message.