01300 341345 hilfieldssf@franciscans.org.uk
The Friary, Hilfield, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7BE
Donate Registered Charity Number 236464
Peace and Justice
St Francis of Assisi had an especial love and concern for those who were poor because he saw Christ in them. He himself renounced all possessions and lived without property. From its foundation as a Franciscan friary in 1921 Hilfield has been a place of welcome to those on the margins.
For many years this was a place of refuge and rehabilitation for men who were ‘on the road’. The night shelter closed in 2004 but we still have a concern for those in need; particularly at this time those who are refugees. We campaign for a better welcome for them in this country and are sometimes able to offer hospitality. The Franciscan greeting, ‘Peace and all good’ expresses our desire to work for peace and reconciliation and for a more just society in our world today.
There’s a long tradition among Franciscans, going back to the time of St Francis himself, of respectful relationship and dialogue with people of other faiths. In a world in which tensions between religions are growing we seek to continue this tradition by offering hospitality to people of different faiths.
We explore areas of common ground and by looking for possibilities of common action over issues of peace, justice and the integrity of creation. We believe that such co-operation in no way compromises our Christian life and commitment but rather it can be a witness to Jesus’ proclamation of the coming Kingdom of God.
Hilfield Friary is part of the Society of St Francis, a worldwide Anglican
Religious Order. Visit their website: https://www.franciscans.org.uk/
Hilfield Friary Group Booking Cancellation Policy
We have a Community day off every Monday. In an emergency please
phone 01300 341345 and leave a message.